Цитата из статьи:
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?kbid=308312с описанием активизации роли приложения:
Subforms Not Working
Unlike with other database objects, Access does not always use the same
connection to retrieve the data source of a subform. Access frequently (but not
always) creates a new connection to SQL Server just to handle the subform
recordset, or to retrieve the linking field data that connects the subform to the
main form. Because this new connection does not have the application role
applied, a permissions error may be generated if you do not have explicit
permissions to the database object. Unfortunately, this means that there is no
reliable way to use bound subforms when application roles are applied.The only
effective workaround is to have completely unbound subforms, with the data
manipulation handled programmatically. This is the most serious limitation when
using application roles in Access.
Вот так порадовали! Неужели все подформы делать отвязанными?
Причем часть подформ работает нормально, часть не работает.
Закономерности еще не обнаружил.