MQLмеханизм для отслеживания (tracking mechanism) длительности запроса (query lengths)
ORASQL/XTENDER> select sys.standard.sqlerrm(-55568) from dual; SYS.STANDARD.SQLERRM(-55568) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORA-55568: The maximum query length (mql) value should be atmost based on the current _highthreshold_undoretention setting.
ORA-55568: The maximum query length (mql) value should be atmost string based on the current _highthreshold_undoretention setting.Cause: The maximum query length (mql in minutes) was not less than or equal to half the _highthreshold_undoretention parameter setting.Action: Reissue the SQL statement with a lower value for mql or increase the value of _highthreshold_undoretention parameter.