Простой web сервис к бд., с минимумом доп софта

Дата: 14.03.2011 10:22:17
Хотелось бы и есть ли возможность писать web сервисы к бд 10gR1 на PL/SQL.
В каком направлении почитать?
Дата: 14.03.2011 10:31:35
mod_plsql ?
Дата: 14.03.2011 12:07:50

А может это лучше

Overview of Native Oracle XML DB Web Services

Web services provide a standard way for applications to exchange information over the Internet and access services that implement business logic. Your applications can access Oracle Database using native Oracle XML DB Web services. One available service lets you issue SQL and XQuery queries and receive results as XML data. Another service provides access to all PL/SQL stored functions and procedures. You can customize the input and output document formats when you use the latter service; the WSDL is automatically generated by the native database Web services engine.

SOAP 1.1 is the version supported by Oracle XML DB. Applications use the HTTP POST method to submit SOAP requests to native Oracle XML DB Web services. You can configure the locations of all native Oracle XML DB Web services and WSDL documents using the Oracle XML DB configuration file, xdbconfig.xml. You can also configure security settings for the Web services using the same configuration file.

You can use the Accept-Charsets field of the input HTTP header to specify the character set of Web-service responses. If this header field is omitted, then responses are in the database character set. The language of the input document and any error responses is the locale language of the database.
Дата: 14.03.2011 15:03:22

А может это лучше

Overview of Native Oracle XML DB Web Services

Web services provide a standard way for applications to exchange information over the Internet and access services that implement business logic. Your applications can access Oracle Database using native Oracle XML DB Web services. One available service lets you issue SQL and XQuery queries and receive results as XML data. Another service provides access to all PL/SQL stored functions and procedures. You can customize the input and output document formats when you use the latter service; the WSDL is automatically generated by the native database Web services engine.

SOAP 1.1 is the version supported by Oracle XML DB. Applications use the HTTP POST method to submit SOAP requests to native Oracle XML DB Web services. You can configure the locations of all native Oracle XML DB Web services and WSDL documents using the Oracle XML DB configuration file, xdbconfig.xml. You can also configure security settings for the Web services using the same configuration file.

You can use the Accept-Charsets field of the input HTTP header to specify the character set of Web-service responses. If this header field is omitted, then responses are in the database character set. The language of the input document and any error responses is the locale language of the database.

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