раздача прав

Дата: 05.12.2007 17:16:15
Подскажите пожалуйста как будет выглядеть синтаксис команды grant если я хочу роли дать право на свой собственный тип
Дата: 05.12.2007 17:24:17
The following object type privilege authorizes operations on a database object type
DEBUG Access, through a debugger, all public and nonpublic variables, methods,
and types defined on the object type.
Place a breakpoint or stop at a line or instruction boundary within the type
EXECUTE Use and reference the specified object and to invoke its methods.
Access, through a debugger, public variables, types, and methods defined
on the object type.
UNDER Create a subtype under this type. You can grant this object privilege only if
you have the UNDER ANY TYPE privilege WITH GRANT OPTION on the
immediate supertype of this type.