Дата: 15.10.2003 09:19:43
CREATE procedure dbo.sp_netsend @event nvarchar(400)
--Script Language and Platform: MS SQL 7.0 and MS SQL 2000
--Objecttive: Before restoreing,upgrading database,database administrator is responsible to
--inform all the users in that database that they are going to be disconnected and remind
--them to save their works.
--exec sp_netsend 'xyz'--xyz is the database name
--Created by :Claire Hsu 2003/4/19
declare @dbname varchar(50)
select @dbname = DB_NAME()
declare @table1000 table(msg varchar(500))
insert into @table1000
select distinct 'net send '+ltrim(rtrim(y.hostname))+ ' "' + @event + '"' from master.dbo.sysprocesses y,master.dbo.sysdatabases x
where x.dbid = y.dbid and x.name = @dbname
declare @msgs varchar(500)
declare cur1 cursor for select msg from @table1000
open cur1
fetch next from cur1 into @msgs
while @@fetch_status = 0
exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @msgs
fetch next from cur1 into @msgs
close cur1
deallocate cur1
--exec sp_netsend 'xyz'